tHE ARTk is the Ultimate Animal Education Artwork

tHE ARTk features 1250+ Endangered Animals of eARTh forming a map of Our World. Each Lifeform can be found on the map where it exists in Nature, with a few exceptions. This Artwork is ideal for ALL ages who Love Animals. 

Perfect for Schools, Libraries, Hotels, Zoos, Veterinarians… Everywhere!

For More Information Email or to Donate tHE ARTk to a School of your choice..

tHE ARTk can teach Everyone!

1250+ Endangered Animals include an Amazing collection of fish, birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, plants, squid, marsupials, sharks, whales, starfish, corals, and so much more.

It also teaches Geography, showing the Map and General colors of the surrounding Nature.

Art and Design are taught as each animal possesses a unique form with unique evolutionary details.

The Wonder provided, is immeasurable as viewers realize the magnitude of the Endangerment issue, the importance of maintaining a diverse Ecosystem on eARTh, and they become motivated to Save eARTh, almost immediately.

Millions of Animals can be Saved through Education.

Here is the Complete list of 1250 Endangered Animals of eARTh