Save eARTh wants to give back to and support those who truly dedicate so much of their lives to protecting and helping Animals in need, the Animal Sanctuaries.

Many Sanctuaries have trouble meeting the endless demands of the Animals under their care. It takes a lot of money and effort to feed, clean after, rehabilitate, and shelter some of these common Animals found in Sanctuaries around the world. We aim to distribute and offer these Artworks to Sanctuaries so that they may fundraise and offer the Art to their local visitors and friends.

There are many ways to SAVE the Sanctuaries.. Find your closest Sanctuary and make some great animal and human friends in the process.

The NEW Save the Sanctuaries Art Campaign Flyer is Here...
The Goal is to Raise Awareness and Deliver them to Sanctuaries as a Fundraiser for them & the Animals they Save.

Links to Incredible Animal Sanctuaries

Amazing Resources on the Animals

Essential Videos from Sanctuaries & More...