Here is a Collection of Videos that Explore the Save eARTh mentality and the Many Aspects of Being a Save eARTh Artist.

These videos were created back in Spring of 2019. They are timeless and help to understand the path of the Artist dedicated to Saving eARTh. These videos are packed with insightful thoughts, ideas, and methods for achieving maximum Creativity with an unstoppably Free and Powerful mind. If you are seeking inspiration, these videos will help, Enjoy – diNo

0. INTENTIONS of the ART Warrior dedicated to Saving eARTh - Let your GOOD intentions Guide your Creativity along the Beautiful Path

1. The Importance of Nature - Developing a Connection with the Miracles of Nature as often as possible throughout your Life

2. HappiNecessities of the ARTist - Happiness & Good Health are of the Highest Value. Art can bring both, everyday

3. Getting in the 'ZONE' - Make Focused Creativity a part of EVERY Day and embrace ALL that comes with it

4. Having the Masters of ART Behind you - Utilizing the Visions from those who Created Before Us

5. Knowing YOUR Importance - You can be Confident and Proud without an Obsessive Selfish Ego. Stay Humble at All Costs.

6. The Separation of Truth & Theory - Incredibly Important to Expand the Imagination beyond Any and All barriers or Limits.

7. ART as a Bridge over Troubled Waters - The Power of ART to revitalize your life, give you Purpose & enhance your mental Health.

8. Strengthening Imagination with Nature and Chaos - Nature has much to Teach us. We must Listen and Observe as much as we can.

9. Calming the Storm of Tech Dependence - We must find Balance to preserve Our Humanity, Skills, and Health. What is truly needed?

10. Balancing Life and Time for Art - Utilize every possible instant for the Greater Good. Every Moment is a chance to Create and Save eARTh.

11. Inspiration from eARTh and the Muses - How we Embrace The Invisible forces and Eternal Mysteries that surround us

12. Striving for Success against ALL odds - The Life of an Artist is not easy. Be Ready to face ALL challenges head on and with a smile.

13. Future Superstars of eARTh - What the Future Artists will need to do in order to preserve the Ancient and Eternal Role of the Artist.

14. The Wonders of Exploring New Terrain - Whether in your mind or Outside in Nature, we Need Fresh Sensory Input Always

15. Control your Ego and Be Humble - Beware of Social Pitfalls and remain in Control. Exist for the Benefit of ALL beings, not just one

16. NEVER GIVE UP - If you Love what you do, and truly feel you are destined for the Arts... Don't let ANYTHING or ANYONE stop you...

17. Staying Creative with Different Levels of Artwork - Some Art is Quick, Others take Years. Do it ALL, As much as You Can, Life is short.

18. Be like the River - Go with the Flow and let the current guide you, but remain in Control and take care of your vessel

19. Spreading Art Everywhere you possibly can - You Never know where or when you will find Support for your Art - Tell Everyone!