The Innocent Children of Our World are in Danger and We ALL must do something

Sadly, we live in a world where far too many people are willing to commit acts of Evil in order to make money, gain power, or obtain control over another innocent being. The lengths at which some people, corporations, and industries will go in order to damage the innocent, is truly sickening. Some of these topics are tough to think about, hear about and look at, but this Evil must also be dealt with, and awareness is key. Too many people do not know about these crimes against the purest of humanity. However, if you are a parent, or hope to be, it is essential that this issue find a quick resolution for the sake of the Future of us all. We must Save the Innocent, so that they can continue to Save eARTh. This is Crucial. 

Here are some topics of Discussion, Links and Videos to Help Raise Awareness on the Immediate Demand for Solutions and Actions needed to Save the Innocent.

WARNING : Some of these Topics can be tough to Think about...


Some of the most Evil Humans are profiting from displaced Children around the World.
Wars, Crime, Corruption and Natural Disasters can all lead to circumstances where young and parentless innocent Humans can be exploited in disturbing ways. This sinister shadow industry must be stopped. 
The Politicians of far too many Nations seem to let these actions slide, and possibly encourage them. This cannot continue. 
No one truly knows how Evil this is, except for the victims. They deserve Justice, Freedom and Happiness.

Modern Methods of Corruption We must Be Aware of

Disney is Not as Innocent as it may seem.
The Dark Side of Youtube for Kids – promoting corruptive media
Tiktok and Other Toxic Social Media Addictions
Selfies, Social Media and the Modern Ego problem
Intentionally Toxic Medications and blatant LIES of the Medical Industrial Complex
Schools via Radical Agendas that have no purpose in the Public Education System 


All Children should be taught that EVERYTHING is Perfect! Especially themselves, from the moment of birth onward. We are ALL Perfect Miracles to be Proud of.

Innocence should be cherished, yet far too much ‘Entertainment’ seeks to ruin this precious treasure.

Child Labor and the Current US Border fiasco, is a serious issue that needs a resolution quick.

The Sexualization of Young Children in School and Online is sickening and also must come to an end. 

There are many forms of Exploitation going on 

From the Perfect moment of Conception onward, each lifeform is subjected to a multitude of toxic chemicals that are far too prevalent in the foods and pharmaceuticals people consume. This is unfair to the innocent. Reproduction rates are dropping worldwide and more and more problems are occurring in the younger generations. It cannot be ignored, all potential variables must be investigated. Answers must be obtained before it becomes impossible for Natural Chemical free births to occur on eARTh. We must fix this and encourage Humans to embrace the divine ability to Create life and the priceless blessings it brings to All. Protect the Mothers. Save the Innocent.